Saturday, April 14, 2012

On Your Mark. Get Set. Go.

All week long I've been mapping out my weights to get ready for next week. Now, when I start Monday, I know what weights I'm going to start with and go in the gym 100% prepared. Next week is only a four day week in the gym, with three rest days. I have a feeling that I'm not going to enjoy those days off. I've got to the point where I feel lazy if I'm not in the gym. I just need to remind myself that my body NEEDS that rest to heal and build my muscles properly. It's weird, because I'm also having slight anxiety abut starting Monday. I've been working out for 13 weeks straight, but for some reason, I'm nervous about starting over with the LiveFit Trainer. In my head, there are three areas that I really want to see improvements on: my arms, my love handles, and that yucky place around your arm pit/boobs/ know girls, that place where your bra seems to shove fat out of and spills over your. Yeah...I want THAT gone! I had pretty dramatic changes last time, so I'm praying that I'll have even more during LiveFit Take 2! 

In the gym today I did shoulders and abs. I want to share with you something about ab workouts. A lot of times we get caught up on how many crunches we can do, or how many within a certain time. However, next time you do crunches, or any ab workout, try to do fewer, but in almost slow motion. Literally, make your abs work, and feel them. I'll try and get a video up later of what I'm talking about. By doing your ab work in slow motion, or very concentrated, your ab muscles are getting a stronger workout. Anytime you want to make an exercise tougher (work better), go slower. 

Tomorrow is an off day for me, but I will blog about my week coming up and I'll be making my big announcement. When I say big announcement, it's really not that big, but I'm writing a blog, so I have to keep your attention somehow. ; ) It is big to me, because I've never done anything like it, but y'all will probably be like, "Really?! That's it?! I've waited ALL week for THIS?!" Hahaha...well, enjoy the rest of your Saturday! By the way, what's everyone doing this weekend anyway? Anything fun? 

Don't forget to follow my blog! It's nice to see that I have some followers (that kind of sounds creepy :) ) and that people are genuinely interested in my blog! Keep reading and let me know if you have any questions!



  1. SO I've got a question about one of your work outs... When you say you do wide pushups and narrow push-ups, what do you mean by narrow? Do you put your hands in and elbows out? Elbows in at your sides and hands at shoulders? combination? Just wondering!

  2. By narrow pushups, I mean hands in a diamond under my chest. I try my best to keep my elbows in by my side as I go down.
