Tuesday, April 17, 2012

LiveFit Trainer (Take 2) Day 2 with Reviews and Body Fat %

Good afternoon everyone! Before I get started with my review of day two, let me address a few questions from some of you! I have been asked how you can "follow" my blog. Well, at the top of my blog page (on the left hand side) the word 'Follow' will be there next to the blog search box. Just click that and go from there. Hope that helps! Also, I've been asked how long I spend at the gym. Well, that varies.  I'm usually there anywhere from a hour to two. I might go over two hours every now and then depending on what kind of break I'm taking in between sets. Not to mention what kind of cardio I'm tagging on afterwards. There are those days where I might talk and visit with folks a little longer than I should, but the gym is the only place I see these people and I like to keep up with them. anyway, on with day 2 reviews!

Day 2 = back and biceps. I've been pumped about my arm days! For those who have missed it, I'm really concentrating on my arms this go around of the LiveFit Trainer. I did an exercise today that wasn't on Jamie's list of bicep exercises...at least for today. They're called 21's. they are AMAZING. My biceps were burning when I was finished with my three sets. So much, that I actually "rooted" myself on in the gym...out loud. No joke. I think I said, "Come on, Jaems!" What. A. Dork. I will say, this is why I do NOT listen to my ipod while lifting weights. I'm scared to death that I'm either going to breath REALLY loud or that I'll sing without thinking. Not to mention, I always feel like I have to lift the weights with the rhythm of the music. Not good either. So, back to 21's. Here is a link to how to properly do them. I highly suggest you add them to your bicep routine!

The only thing I do different with this exercise, is that I use the EZ Curl Bar. it's a great wokrout. Try it out and let me know what you think. 

Ohhhh....I got my new gloves from http://www.femmefitalefitness.com/ and they are sooooo cute! Not only are they cute, but they feel amazing on my hands. They're real soft, but have good padding so I won't get any calluses on my palms. Here's a picture:

Adorable! I received my new protein, which is all natural with no artificial sweeteners AND I like it! I was kind of nervous, but it's really good. The nutrition on this protein is great too. This specific protein was recommended by Jamie Eason. You can check it out if you're interested:

Along with my gloves and my protein, I got my body fat % instrument. 

I was pleased with my results from the instrument. It seems to be right on with other "calculators" that I've used. My total body fat % is: 20.9 % and my BMI is: 21.9. Here is a chart from the American Council on Exercise that shoes the ideal body fat percentages. 

Not bad. Not bad at all. According to this chart, I'm classified as an athlete. I'll take that! You can read more about body fat % here:

Okay, here is where I struggle the most. Food. I can eat the foods I'm suppose to, but I don't know how to make them fun and interesting. I HATE to cook (hurry home Bryan...PLEASE!), so instead of doing something yummy, I eat tuna, chicken, and salmon straight from a can. I need help finding good high protein recipes. I started following other blogs, and I have found some YUMMY looking stuff! Here is a recipe I found posted for a contest. Now, I haven't tried it, but it looks AWESOME! 

I'll try and make it some time this week/weekend and let you know how it turns out. Tomorrow is leg day! I'm going to need good sleep tonight for tomorrow's workout! Take care!


1 comment:

  1. ok just checked out the gloves!!! i am so ordering the turquoise ones!! just what i was looking for Super Cute!! thank you so much for sharing. Your blog is so inspiring!! thank you
