Thursday, May 10, 2012

Day 24 of 84 of LiveFit Trainer

After today, I'll have two more workout days and one rest day before starting Phase Two!! I can not wait! Phase Two begins a six day a week workout, along with three/four days of cardio a week. This phase is the start of the fat burning. Last time I went through the Trainer, it was week seven before I saw pretty decent changes. It that's the case this time, then in three weeks, I should have some noticeable change. 

Today I worked my least favorite body parts: chest and triceps. I HATE this day. I don't know why, but I cringe every time I see that it's a "chest and tri" day. On one of the dumbbell fly exercises, I think my weight slipped a little and tugged at my shoulder. : ( My shoulder has had this dull pain all day. Not enough where I can't work it out, just enough to be annoying. Here is my workout log from today:
Working out the chest and triceps!
I missed my workout Tuesday because I was totally being a "girl" if you know what I mean. I had some horrible cramps that left me in bed until 10:00 am. Therefore, I'm one day behind on my workout this week, but will workout Saturday to catch up. This won't be a problem at all, and it doesn't throw off your workout if you have to move days around. Just don't full up miss a day all together...always make it up somewhere else in your week. 

Tomorrow is another leg day for me. I'm looking forward to those squats! I think these just might be one of my favorite exercises! I'm hoping to hit at least 100 pounds again tomorrow...for at least one set! Y'all take care and I'll see here again tomorrow! 




  1. I cringe whenever it is shoulders! Next week is going to be a real challenge to get all my workouts in. I never have a problem, but school is ending and there are a bunch of award ceremonies to go to and I have to drop off and pick up kids at all different times due to exams. I think I will just do what I can and then repeat it when I can do the full week... Trying to realize that this is life and sometimes you have to make adjustments...

  2. My week is all screwed up for the same reason. Trying to make it up today and tomorrow.
