Saturday, May 19, 2012

Week One of Phase Two...Complete

Wow. I forgot how exhausting a six day workout week is! Not only am I trying to get my workouts in, but I'm going to all kids end of the year school functions, ball games, musicals, AND we're moving next week! Our movers will be here Wednesday. The thing is, I have to pack everyones stuff to "survive" for two months. My husband has training down in Alabama during June and July, then we move to Utah! I think I've just started to feel the effects of everything happening. I feel like binge eating all the time. Most of the time I can control it, but like tonight, I couldn't. I ate three...yes, count them, three desserts. I haven't done this in I don't know how long! As much as I feel like crap for doing it, I'm trying to remain positive and tell myself that, "at least it's a leg day." Meaning, I get more calories anyway. It would've been really easy to keep that to myself, but I started this blog to hold myself accountable. So...there's my accountability. Feel free to get on to me in the comment section. : )

Anyway, the past week was an okay week for me. It started off tough (because of having to put my kitty down), and then I feel like I finished it off pretty strong. I feel like I pretty much killed it today!  My second leg day of the week and I did my favorite leg exercise...single leg squats! Let me tell you something, you want a tight booty, single leg squats all day long, baby. Those are the BEST! I honestly feel like those give me an instant butt lift...for free! 

Here are my results from the "butt lift" I got today...PLUS, check out the definition around my stomach! I can actually see my ribs for the first time since before I had my son (he turns eight next month!):

Not bad for just eating three desserts...however, I'm not suggesting anyone do that!

Well, this coming up week is going to be hectic, but I'll do my best to keep checking in on here. Next Sunday I'll have my every two week update with my measurements, body fat %, and weight. I'll probably throw in some photos too. Thanks again guy for checking in and following me. It really means a lot. I hope that you all are having good luck in the gym or at home doing your workouts. Keep pushing!


Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Day 31 --LEGS!!! Also, more calories!!

I've been getting very excited about leg day lately. I kept wondering why, then it finally clicked: extra calories! When working legs, and I think back and chest (although I don't count back and chest), you get to add like 300 more calories to your day! Trust me, you need it! After every leg workout, I'm hungry and tired. 

After not having a great workout yesterday, I really stepped it up today. I was exhausted halfway through, but I felt good. My weight increased on many of my exercises. I didn't do as many squats (two sets to failure) as I wanted, but both sets were a new high for me. Leg press went well today too, as I increased my weight to 150lbs for my last two sets. Now, this weight does not include what the slide weighs. I have no idea what the slide weighs on my machine, so I just count what plates I put on myself. 

Also, I did NOT do the donkey calf raises! I seriously can't even get over the fact that this is a real exercise that REAL people do. For those who don't know what they are, please watch and learn:

See what I mean?! Crazy. 

So, here is my workout log for today's leg workout. Overall, I was happy with my growth. Just for laughs, I looked back at my workout log on my first day of legs during Phase Two (the first time around), and I didn't even squat weight! I also didn't finish a full set of walking lunges! So, for those feeling discouraged, DON'T! Keep day at a time. You'll get'll grow stronger. 

I know what I'll do. I'll post my workout log from today, AND my workout log from my first leg day during the first time I went through Phase Two (Feb 15, 2012). 

February 15, 2012

May 16, 2012
Wow! It's amazing to me to see the difference! Well, I'm going to get off here and eat dinner and write out my workout for tomorrow. I have arms, abs, and cardio. Y'all have a great night! Oh, and thank you all for the messages and comments left about putting our kitty down yesterday! It meant a lot to me. 


Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Phase Two - Day 30 (Chest, Abs, and Cardio)

Today is going to be very short and to the point. My husband and I had to put our 20 year old cat down this morning, so it's be an emotional day. : ( I honestly can't think of anything worse than adding chest exercises today! Seriously, I HATE chest days! Especially, today. 

I'm not sure who all is following along with the LiveFit Trainer, but today I had to do three kinds of push-ups, and my body wasn't having it! I was only able to do ten close push-ups today...ten! I did three sets of 15 wide push-ups, and I even added the bench to make them harder (incline bench push-up). I was semi-proud of these. Then I had to do the side to side push-ups. Let me just tell you how well these did NOT go over! I just about face planted on the gym floor. For those of you who do not know what a side to side push-up is, watch this video and cringe:

Negative! Those did not happen today. However, what I did do (and actually liked) were these:

I will probably use these from now on when asked to do side to side push-ups. Overall, I felt like poo today during my workout. I'm pretty sure I set myself up with negative thoughts on chest day. I'm going to try and change my attitude next week when I have chest again. I can tell my attitude impacted my workout. Tomorrow is legs, and I'm feeling pretty good about it. 

Oh, here is my workout log:

Thanks for checking in!! 


Monday, May 14, 2012

Day One of Phase Two (Day 29 - Back and Cardio)

Wow. So, I wait four weeks to finally add cardio, and in the middle of my 30 minutes session, I can't help but to ask myself, "What were you thinking WANTING cardio?!?!" I was dying about seven minutes in! Haha...I did decide to do the elliptical today for my cardio. I'm thinking I'm going to change it up throughout the program. Tomorrow I may do the treadmill and the bike. I did do interval training on the elliptical, so I didn't really take it easy for my first day. After it was said and done, I felt great! I'm really hoping that know we have cardio included, that I'll reach my goal of hitting the 130's in the next two weeks. 

Today is also the day that I drop my carbs after 4:00 p.m. I had my last starchy carbs around 3:45 today, and for dinner I ate grilled chicken, salmon, and a few vegetables (sauteed mixed veggies). This is new to me because I did not do this the first time I went through the Trainer. This will be challenging for sure. Well, we'll see. 

Today I worked out my back. Again, for those who don't know, this is one of my favorite days! Back and shoulders...all day long. I felt like I had a pretty good workout. The pull-ups are challenging for me, but I've got a goal in mind that I really want to reach. I obviously have to use the assisted pull-up machine. My goal is to get down to 100lbs. Today I was able to do two sets at 110, but the second set was really tough. I had to stop half way through, catch my breath, and finish up. Also, my gym doesn't have the hammer strength lat pull machine, so I just did three sets of underhand close grip lat pulldowns. If my gym doesn't have a machine or piece of equipment needed, I'll just look up what muscles I'll be using, and try my best to find another exercise to work those same muscles. For those who are interested, here is my workout log for today:

Day 29 - Back
I'm writing out my workout for tomorrow and I'm a little freaked out about ALL the push-ups I have to do! Seriously, six sets of 15!! Then another three sets of ten side to side?! I'm going to die tomorrow! 

Well, y'all have a great evening and thanks for taking the time to come by and follow along with me. I'm just a few 'hits' away from 2200 on my blog!! Crazy! I've got people from new countries too: United Arab Emirates, China, and South Africa! So cool! Thanks again guys!


Sunday, May 13, 2012

Final Results of Phase One and I'm HAPPY!!

My husband is celebrating today! Not because it's Mother's Day and I just happen to be one of the best mommy's out there ; ), but because my results from Phase One of the LiveFit Trainer (take two) have me super giddy! I had him worried, because since he's been home from his 13 month deployment, I haven't been eating as well as I was before. I was really scared that the scale was going to go up. Now, I didn't lose what I wanted, but that's okay. I made other changes, that to me, are even better. Here is the breakdown of my changes from the start of Phase One, to now (a total of four weeks):

Measurements (I'll post before measurements first in regular font, then the after measurements second in BOLD):

Chest: 38 1/2 -- 37 1/2
Wasit: 28 1/2 -- 27 1/2
Love Handles: 36 1/2 -- 35 1/2
Hips (around butt): 37 -- 37
Arms: 10 1/2 -- 10 1/2
Thighs: 20 1/2 -- 20 1/2
Calves: 13 -- 12 3/4

I lost a total of 3.25 inches in the past month. Since starting the first LiveFit Trainer in January, that is a total of 11.25 inches TOTAL!!! 

Next will be my weight and body fat %. When I started Phase One on April 16, I weighed in at 144. Today, I weighed in at 140.5!! Again, since first starting in January, I've lost a total of 15.5lbs! I lost three pounds in the first two weeks, and only a half pound the last two weeks. However, my body fat % will explain some of that. My body fat % the beginning of Phase One was 20.9%. Today, four weeks late, my body fat % is 19.3%!! I had dropped to 20.3% after the first two weeks, and another whole 1% the past two weeks. So, even though I only lost .5lb in the last two weeks, I also lost 1% of body fat! This means I'm gaining muscle!! Woohoo!! 

Now, for the before and after photos of Phase One....drum roll, please! Please excuse today's photos...I didn't wear any make-up, nor did I do my hair. 

Overall, I'm feeling wonderful about my results! Even losing just a half pound in the last two weeks. I start Phase Two tomorrow, which now incorporates cardio, so I'm expecting to see my weight hit the 130's in two weeks. That's my goal anyway. 

On a side note, my husband bought these for me for Mother's Day. As my weights have become heavier, I've needed a little help. So, these should do the trick. I'll review them as soon as I get them in a give them a try. Here's the link to check them out:

Well, wish me luck, as tomorrow begins the second phase and my diet will have to change (no starchy carbs after 4:00 p.m.), and cardio will become a part of my regular workouts again. 

Have a good rest of the weekend!!

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Saturday, May 12, 2012

Phase One = Complete

Yes! Phase One is complete for the second time! I'm feeling better this time than I did the first go around of the LiveFit Trainer. However, since my husband came home two weeks ago, I feel myself slipping just a bit. It's so hard when I'm eating 1550 calories a day (more on leg days), and he's eating around 3000 calories (he's trying to gain mass). He's on leave for the month, so that adds to the stress. I think once he goes back to work, I'll be able to straighten out some. 

Today I knocked out my last day of shoulders and abs for Phase One! It felt so good! I think I enjoy shoulders because they're such isolated muscles. To me, I feel them being worked directly...more so than other muscle groups. Here is my workout log from today:

Tomorrow is a big day for me. I'll be taking my updated photos, weight, measurements, and body fat %. Two weeks ago I was excited to see what I've lost. Tonight, I'm not feeling so certain. I'm scared too, because I really don't want my Mother's Day to be a drag because I'm bummed about my results. Even though it's Mother's Day, I'll still post my results from Phase One. Please, please, PLEASE wish me luck!! 

Enjoy the rest of your weekend, and to all you mommy's, Happy Mother's Day! Spoil yourself a little bit! 


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Friday, May 11, 2012

Last Leg Day of Phase One and I Reached My Goal!!

It's 9:40 p.m. and I worked my legs out today. Therefore, I am exhausted right now! I'm going to make this quick and then I'm off to bed. I have to wake up and hit shoulders and abs before my little guy's soccer game. 

I had a GREAT workout today. I was able to squat 100 pounds for two full sets of ten! My personal goal for Phase One was to hit that 100 pound mark for squats. It was hard, but it felt great! I really pushed myself today. I think because I knew it was my last leg day of this phase, I pushed extra hard. Here is my workout log for today:
Last day of legs for Phase One.

My favorite thing about leg day is that I get to eat more! I get to eat 300 more calories on leg day, and that makes me very happy! For me, that typically means I get more peanut butter! Yum. I'm on this huge peanut butter high right now. I crave it and get very excited when I know I get to eat it. Weird, I know. Oh...before I go, I found this new ice cream. It's crazy expensive, BUT if you limit yourself you an half a cup at a time, it divides into four days worth of something "sweet". Here is the front of the pint, and the back (to include the nutritional values):

This ice cream is 100% natural! No artificial sweeteners! Plus, you can eat the entire pint for just 150 calories! Doe sit taste like regular ice cream, huh, no. However, I really like it, and I ate 1/2 cup tonight and it was plenty for me. I bought mine at my local Kroger store. Just try it out. I think it's great to get rid of the sweet craving that pops up here and there. Anyway, let me know what you think of it! 

Okay, off to bed. My muscles are begging to go to sleep. : ) My favorite day tomorrow: shoulders!! 


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Thursday, May 10, 2012

Day 24 of 84 of LiveFit Trainer

After today, I'll have two more workout days and one rest day before starting Phase Two!! I can not wait! Phase Two begins a six day a week workout, along with three/four days of cardio a week. This phase is the start of the fat burning. Last time I went through the Trainer, it was week seven before I saw pretty decent changes. It that's the case this time, then in three weeks, I should have some noticeable change. 

Today I worked my least favorite body parts: chest and triceps. I HATE this day. I don't know why, but I cringe every time I see that it's a "chest and tri" day. On one of the dumbbell fly exercises, I think my weight slipped a little and tugged at my shoulder. : ( My shoulder has had this dull pain all day. Not enough where I can't work it out, just enough to be annoying. Here is my workout log from today:
Working out the chest and triceps!
I missed my workout Tuesday because I was totally being a "girl" if you know what I mean. I had some horrible cramps that left me in bed until 10:00 am. Therefore, I'm one day behind on my workout this week, but will workout Saturday to catch up. This won't be a problem at all, and it doesn't throw off your workout if you have to move days around. Just don't full up miss a day all together...always make it up somewhere else in your week. 

Tomorrow is another leg day for me. I'm looking forward to those squats! I think these just might be one of my favorite exercises! I'm hoping to hit at least 100 pounds again tomorrow...for at least one set! Y'all take care and I'll see here again tomorrow! 



Wednesday, May 9, 2012


Hey guys! I want to quickly apologize for not staying current on my LiveFit Trainer. This week has been very busy and stressful. We just found out that we are going to have to put our 20 year old cat down due to health problems. We are also preparing for another military move. I have not missed any workouts. I just haven't been posting like I should. Tomorrow I'm going to get caught up on the blog and also post my workout logs from the past few days. I'm super stoked about this past Monday's leg workout! I finally reached 100 pounds on squats! Woohoo!

Well, I'm about to hit the sack, yes, go to sleep at 9:00. I'm exhausted, mentally and physically. Just a few more days before I post my post-Phase One results!!! I'm kind of nervous....

Good night, y'all!


Sunday, May 6, 2012

Jamie Eason's Explanation on Why NO Cardio for the First Month

So, on the forum's on, on my blog, in my emails, and through Facebook, everyone wants to know the answer to the big question: Why no cardio?! Here, Jamie Eason explains why she designed Phase One without cardio. Watch the video that she posted on the following link:

Jamie Checks In On Your LiveFit Progress

Trust me. It's hard NOT doing cardio, but I promise, it's worth the wait! I start my last week of Phase One tomorrow, and move onto Phase Two,  which DOES incorporate cardio and begins a six day workout week. Whew! I can't wait. 

Next week I will post before/after Phase One photos, weight, measurements, and body fat %. I'm kind of nervous, because since my husband has been home, I haven't been following my meal plans like I should. I haven't been horrible, but I haven't been great either. I may just have to send him back to Korea....kidding, of course! 

Before I go, I'd like to touch on something that really has been bothering me. Catty women in the gym. i mentioned this on my personal Facebook page the other day after my shoulder workout, but I want to share it with y'all as well. do you guys have those women at your gym that you can tell are judging you? Mocking you? Looking/talking about you? Well, I do. Like I mentioned on my Facebook page, we're all at the gym for the same purpose: to better ourselves. To be healthy. It's hard enough for us to feel comfortable in the gym as it is, we sure don't need each other making it worse. Also, like my wise little sister said, instead of bringing each other down, we need to be raising each other up! Praising one another. Have you ever gone up to another woman at your gym and told good job or that she's looking good? I have. You should too! Raise them up! I challenge you to find someone at your gym that you've noticed working hard and tell them! 

Well, you all enjoy the rest of your Sunday! I'm looking forward to  hitting my legs up again tomorrow! Take care!


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Friday, May 4, 2012

Week Three - Second Day of LEGS!

Even though I have been through the program before, I forgot that the two 'leg' days were the exact workout. Usually, I wouldn't mind, but my hamstrings are STILL sore from Monday's leg workout! Those single leg deadlifts are a killer! Still, it was a great workout. Here is my workout log so you guys can see what I did. I increased in most exercises today. Love these days! 

Week Three - Legs
I added a supplement to my stack today. I kept debating about taking a pre-workout supplement, and I finally found one that is all natural without any artificial sweeteners. I didn't notice it really kicking in until my squats, then I really noticed during my lunges. I increased weight on both of the exercises. I also felt like I sweated more than usual today. I'm assuming it's from the pre-workout. I'd like to take it a few more days before I really review the product. However, if you're interested in a pre-workout supplement, especially one that is all natural, you can do some more reading on it here:

Since I took Wednesday off, my shoulder and abs workout will be tomorrow. I'm dying for a good abs workout, so I'm excited about getting in there in the morning! Tomorrow we're also going to see The Avengers, so it's going to be a good day!! Tony Stark, here I come! Have a great weekend guys! 


Thursday, May 3, 2012

Chest, Tri's, and a New Workout Partner!

I'm so sorry that I didn't post yesterday, but I decided to take the day off from my workout to spend time at my son's field day with my husband! He made is home safely Tuesday night and we are enjoying every minute of him being home. 

Since I missed yesterday, I started today where I left off: chest and triceps. The start of my workout felt really weak, but I did increase my weight in many of my exercises. I was proud of myself because on the incline bench press, I finally benched 50 pounds (using dumbbells)! I just thought of something. Maybe everyday I'll post a picture of my workout log so you guys can follow along. I'm always curious as to what others are lifting. So, I'll be the guinea pig for you guys. No shame. No shame. : )

Workout Log for Chest and Tri's

I do have to say, that chest and tri day is probably my least favorite. I don't know why that is, maybe because it's my weakest area. I don't know. I just dread this day. The only thing I do look froward to on this day is doing push-ups.  That's ONLY because I know how to do them now! Today was tough too, because I ate like total crap last night! Now, I know I'm supposed to being following the LiveFit Trainer as close as possible, but celebrating my husband coming home, we enjoyed some hibachi and frozen yogurt. Blah! It was soooo good, but my tummy was pissed the rest of the night! Ha! Oh well. I lived life, enjoyed my time with my family, and now I'm back to eating properly and busting butt in the gym! 

One good thing about my workout today is that I did have a new partner! I actually don't like having a workout partner, but Bryan is an exception. : ) It was nice to have him there to spot me during that mean incline bench press! However, it is a distraction having him there too. : ) Oh, so here is a picture of my sign that I had when we greeted him in the airport:

Thought you guys would like this!
Well, tomorrow is my second leg day for the week. I've just started walking normal again from Monday's leg workout! I'll be back on here tomorrow and Saturday! Y'all have a great evening! I'm going to go watch my little guy play baseball tonight!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Week Three Day Two = Back and Biceps

Short and sweet today guys! My husband will be home in three and a half hours (after being deployed for 13 1/2 months!), and I still have things to do before we pick him home from the airport. 

So today, Jamie Eason includes t-bar rows as a back exercise. I have to admit, I did not do these the first time I went through the trainer. I felt awkward doing them, and just shy I guess. Well, I have a whole new attitude now, and I'm bound and determined to follow the Trainer to a 'T' (as much as I can on the eating portion). Therefore, I did the t-bar rows, and I REALLY like them! They give a nice squeeze (if you will) to your back. For those of you not here yet, or those who have no idea what t-bar rows are, here's a link to an instructional video:

I always worked biceps today and I'm seeing growth there! I didn't increase in weight today (even with dropping to three sets of ten). I tried to move up, but my body and form were telling me not to. Overall, my biceps are feeling tighter and I'm starting to actually like my arms. Jamie Eason incorporated new bicep exercises today, introducing the hammer curl, and the hammer curl on the incline. Where I use to hate, hate, HATE arms exercises (because I was so weak), I'm actually growing to like them. 

One thing that did bother me today, I changed my breakfast up some and i ended up very hungry during the end of my workout. WHICH may have played a role in why I didn't increase in weight today for my biceps. I increased in most of my back exercises, but non of my biceps. I will say, please make sure you have something to eat packed in your gym bag incase this happens. Although, I didn't feel so hungry that I needed to get something from my bag, it's always a good idea to have something available. Examples are: an apple, banana, or anything with a little bit of good sugar and carbs. 

Well, I have to go get pretty for my husband! I have a GREAT poster I made for my husband, but I can't show y'all today (he might be reading my blog on the plane : ) ) I'll post pictures tomorrow! Keep pushing guys!


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