Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Muscle Gain = Happy Jaems

So, after four weeks of active rests (which I like) and circuit training, I am back to working on more muscle gain. This is my comfort zone. I LOVE working with higher weights and lower reps. 

In two weeks, we are driving across the country to our new home in Utah. I will continue to lift four days a week, while adding four days of cardio as well. The week we're driving, I'm probably going to stick with just cardio since we'll be in five different hotels and one night at our best friends house. After we get settled in Utah, I'm going to start James Wilson's program. I love Jamie Eason's LiveFit Trainer, but I'd like to try something new for a bit. I'm sure I'll return to the LiveFit at some point, but right now, I need a little change.  

Hope all is well with everyone! Keep pushing and don't let anyone or anything get in the way of your goals! 


Sunday, July 15, 2012

FINAL RESULTS of LiveFit Trainer Take Two!!!!

Well, it has been a LONG 13 weeks! I am mentally and physically exhausted from training. I did take a much needed break last week. I know I only had one more week to go till I was finished, but my body was begging for a rest. I've learned to listen to my body, and my body was screaming at me. After doing the LiveFit Trainer the first time, I should've taken a week break then. Since January 17th, I have worked out without a break (minus the day or two a week that was scheduled in the program). Anyway, I'm done. Overall, I am very happy with my results. I'll break all those down in a minute, but I do want to explain some things first. My husband came home from a year's deployment two weeks into my journey. A month after that we moved to a different state for my husband to attend a two month training course. We've been living out of boxes and suitcases the past six weeks. My family has been spilt apart for summer visits with family before we make ANOTHER move to Utah in two weeks. Although I'm having tons of fun and working hard, the stress is creeping up more and more. I'm so ready to get settled in a HOUSE and have a "normal" routine. With that being said, my eating has not been the best...at all! I've eaten out quite a bit and I've eaten dessert way more then I needed to! Like...a lot. So, remember, these results are mainly due to hard work in the gym and so-so healthy eating. Had I concentrated more on my diet (By diet, I don't mean I'm following some random diet. I just mean my basic food intake.)

Okay, so here it is!

Started at: 144 lbs    Ended at: 137 lbs   Total: 7 lbs     
**(Total loss since January 17th: 19 lbs!!!!!)

Started at: 20.9%   Ended at: 18.3%   Total body fat % loss: 2.2%

Started at: 21.9    Ended at : 20.1

Finally....drum roll, please.....PICTURES!!!!

Soooooo, that's that! Again, I am very happy with my results! I feel AMAZING! I can't thank Jamie Eason enough for her program and changing my life! This is NOT a phase...this is my new life! Ask anyone, my workouts are top priority for my day. They have to be. Thank you all for following me on here. Please know that I plan to continue blogging on my progress. I'll be repeating Phase 2 of the LiveFit Trainer until I get to Utah. Once there, I plan on starting James Wilson's program. 

Again, thanks for following and I'm sorry that I haven't been on much lately. Take care!!


Thursday, June 7, 2012

Last Chest Day of Phase 2

I would like to start off by saying that I had an awesome workout today!! I REALLY needed it too. Funny thing, I hate chest day, but today it felt great. I love doing supersets. Even though I am now doing four sets of eight of every exercise (except ab work), the workout goes so fast because of the supersets. I like to the supersets too because I really feel that muscle group burning. 

I do miss having my husband workout with me. I have to drop my weight just a little bit, because he's not there to spot me. I have yet to become comfortable enough to ask someone else to do that for me. Especially since most of the people in there are dudes. I just can't do it.

I haven't mentioned my nutrition in awhile, but I'm trying me best to follow Jamie Eason's meal plans. It's really hard to eliminate all (starchy) carbs past 3:00 in the afternoon. I get the concept, but I think when you're use to eating a certain way for thirty-four years of your life, it's hard to change. However, I'm getting better. I can tell I'm making better choices without having to give it much thought. 

Anyway, I'm sorry this is short, sweet, and not very informative, but I'll make it up Sunday when I post pictures! Everyone likes pictures, right? I will say...I did a sneak peek at one of my measurements today. I've told y'all before, I HATE my love handle area! WEEEELLLLL, more of that area is gone! Boom! Also, without having to measure, I do know that I need new bras! Oh yeah...they are ALL too big! So, that will be an expense that I'll need to budget in soon! Woohoo!!! 

Good night, y'all!


Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Back in the Groove...Maybe?

Oh, wow! It's seems like forever since I've seen these pretty pink letters! To those who didn't know, I've been in the middle of a military move. As soon as my husband returned from Korea, we started packing our home in Tennessee and made the two month move to Alabama. Yep...two month move! My husband has training here until the end of July. THEN....we'll move AGAIN to Utah! Craziness. Anyway, even though I haven't blogged, I have maintained my daily workouts. I haven't missed a training day yet! Well, there was a day where I didn't make it to the gym, but the following day I doubled up on my back and shoulders to make sure I got both in for the week. Currently, I'm in the last week of Phase 2 of the LiveFit Trainer. It's hard to believe that I'll be starting Phase 3 next week! I'm looking forward to everything about Phase 3 EXCEPT for the carb cycling. However, my husband has decided to carb cycle with me, so we can be miserable together. : ) Bring out  the almost unlimited amounts of grilled and baked chicken!

So, since moving here to Alabama, I've had to figure out where I am going to workout while here. I'd love to workout on base, since it's free and a very nice gym, but I NEED childcare. For some reason, the base gyms don't understand the importance of childcare to the spouses. I'm really surprised they don't offer this! Now, to be fair, one of the gyms here offers partial childcare...in a cardio room! Well, I'm not a cardio diva, and I like my weights, so I need childcare in more than the cardio room. Well, Bryan and I went to check out a local YMCA. We were given a free pass for the day, and thank God! Their weight room reminding me of the Flintstones. It was bad. I'm pretty sure this Y was more focused on the children's programs and their swimming programs (which is fine), but not at all focused on their weight room. We then moved on to Gold's Gym. This gym was a third of the price and was HUGE! It had every machine and weight you could think of! They had equipment that I had never seen, and almost looked like S&M kind of stuff. Hahaha...not that'd I know what S&M stuff looked like anyway. It's just what came to mind. 

My first day at Gold's Gym was interesting. I left a small town local gym, which was perfect to me, for this gianormous (it's my made up word for big) gym! I walked in thinking I knew what I was doing, and like I owned the place. I walked out with a sore neck and shoulders, and almost in tears. I HATE change. Ironic, since I'm married to a man in the military, where you get nothing but change. Everything in the gym was soooo different. It had these huge fancy machines, and they were all a different brand from what I was using in Tennessee. Some machines I increased my weight 80 lbs, and others I decreased my weight 30 lbs. I thought I was doing my same weight on my barbell step-ups, when obviously it ended up being way to heavy, and my ego wouldn't put the stupid weights down. I insisted to doing it anyway, and next thing I know, I've pinched something in my neck, and I can hardly bring the barbell back down over my head! I seriously almost grabbed Gavin and left. I was ready to give up and leave. I just wanted to cry. I'm not sure how y'all feel about prayer, but that tends to help me out a lot. I just took a minute and prayed for (emotional) strength and comfort. I just needed to know that He was there with me. Needless to say, I finished my workout. Tomorrow I will slow down, and take my time. I will also not let my ego get in the way again. 

Well, it's good to be back and I can't wait to get back into the groove of posting on here. Sunday, I'll be posting my updated weight, body fat %, measurements, AND end of Phase 2 photos!!! I will say, my eating as been pretty crappy the past week and a half. There was too much eating out, but what can you do when you don't have anything to cook with and everything is in a box?! I'm worried my weight hasn't changed, or that I've even gained...of well. We'll see Sunday! Y'all have a good evening and see back here tomorrow!!


Like: http://www.facebook.com/Fit.In.The.Gym
Also, please check out this guy: https://www.facebook.com/JamesWilsonFaithFamFit
He is absolutely amazing and posts some very inspirational stuff! I even have my husband following him on Facebook. He's full of great information on health, fitness, and nutrition. I've never talked to him, nor does he know I exists, but I think he's worth your time, for sure!

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Week One of Phase Two...Complete

Wow. I forgot how exhausting a six day workout week is! Not only am I trying to get my workouts in, but I'm going to all kids end of the year school functions, ball games, musicals, AND we're moving next week! Our movers will be here Wednesday. The thing is, I have to pack everyones stuff to "survive" for two months. My husband has training down in Alabama during June and July, then we move to Utah! I think I've just started to feel the effects of everything happening. I feel like binge eating all the time. Most of the time I can control it, but like tonight, I couldn't. I ate three...yes, count them, three desserts. I haven't done this in I don't know how long! As much as I feel like crap for doing it, I'm trying to remain positive and tell myself that, "at least it's a leg day." Meaning, I get more calories anyway. It would've been really easy to keep that to myself, but I started this blog to hold myself accountable. So...there's my accountability. Feel free to get on to me in the comment section. : )

Anyway, the past week was an okay week for me. It started off tough (because of having to put my kitty down), and then I feel like I finished it off pretty strong. I feel like I pretty much killed it today!  My second leg day of the week and I did my favorite leg exercise...single leg squats! Let me tell you something, you want a tight booty, single leg squats all day long, baby. Those are the BEST! I honestly feel like those give me an instant butt lift...for free! 

Here are my results from the "butt lift" I got today...PLUS, check out the definition around my stomach! I can actually see my ribs for the first time since before I had my son (he turns eight next month!):

Not bad for just eating three desserts...however, I'm not suggesting anyone do that!

Well, this coming up week is going to be hectic, but I'll do my best to keep checking in on here. Next Sunday I'll have my every two week update with my measurements, body fat %, and weight. I'll probably throw in some photos too. Thanks again guy for checking in and following me. It really means a lot. I hope that you all are having good luck in the gym or at home doing your workouts. Keep pushing!


Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Day 31 --LEGS!!! Also, more calories!!

I've been getting very excited about leg day lately. I kept wondering why, then it finally clicked: extra calories! When working legs, and I think back and chest (although I don't count back and chest), you get to add like 300 more calories to your day! Trust me, you need it! After every leg workout, I'm hungry and tired. 

After not having a great workout yesterday, I really stepped it up today. I was exhausted halfway through, but I felt good. My weight increased on many of my exercises. I didn't do as many squats (two sets to failure) as I wanted, but both sets were a new high for me. Leg press went well today too, as I increased my weight to 150lbs for my last two sets. Now, this weight does not include what the slide weighs. I have no idea what the slide weighs on my machine, so I just count what plates I put on myself. 

Also, I did NOT do the donkey calf raises! I seriously can't even get over the fact that this is a real exercise that REAL people do. For those who don't know what they are, please watch and learn:


See what I mean?! Crazy. 

So, here is my workout log for today's leg workout. Overall, I was happy with my growth. Just for laughs, I looked back at my workout log on my first day of legs during Phase Two (the first time around), and I didn't even squat weight! I also didn't finish a full set of walking lunges! So, for those feeling discouraged, DON'T! Keep pushing...one day at a time. You'll get there...you'll grow stronger. 

I know what I'll do. I'll post my workout log from today, AND my workout log from my first leg day during the first time I went through Phase Two (Feb 15, 2012). 

February 15, 2012

May 16, 2012
Wow! It's amazing to me to see the difference! Well, I'm going to get off here and eat dinner and write out my workout for tomorrow. I have arms, abs, and cardio. Y'all have a great night! Oh, and thank you all for the messages and comments left about putting our kitty down yesterday! It meant a lot to me. 


Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Phase Two - Day 30 (Chest, Abs, and Cardio)

Today is going to be very short and to the point. My husband and I had to put our 20 year old cat down this morning, so it's be an emotional day. : ( I honestly can't think of anything worse than adding chest exercises today! Seriously, I HATE chest days! Especially, today. 

I'm not sure who all is following along with the LiveFit Trainer, but today I had to do three kinds of push-ups, and my body wasn't having it! I was only able to do ten close push-ups today...ten! I did three sets of 15 wide push-ups, and I even added the bench to make them harder (incline bench push-up). I was semi-proud of these. Then I had to do the side to side push-ups. Let me just tell you how well these did NOT go over! I just about face planted on the gym floor. For those of you who do not know what a side to side push-up is, watch this video and cringe:


Negative! Those did not happen today. However, what I did do (and actually liked) were these:


I will probably use these from now on when asked to do side to side push-ups. Overall, I felt like poo today during my workout. I'm pretty sure I set myself up with negative thoughts on chest day. I'm going to try and change my attitude next week when I have chest again. I can tell my attitude impacted my workout. Tomorrow is legs, and I'm feeling pretty good about it. 

Oh, here is my workout log:

Thanks for checking in!! 
