Sunday, July 15, 2012

FINAL RESULTS of LiveFit Trainer Take Two!!!!

Well, it has been a LONG 13 weeks! I am mentally and physically exhausted from training. I did take a much needed break last week. I know I only had one more week to go till I was finished, but my body was begging for a rest. I've learned to listen to my body, and my body was screaming at me. After doing the LiveFit Trainer the first time, I should've taken a week break then. Since January 17th, I have worked out without a break (minus the day or two a week that was scheduled in the program). Anyway, I'm done. Overall, I am very happy with my results. I'll break all those down in a minute, but I do want to explain some things first. My husband came home from a year's deployment two weeks into my journey. A month after that we moved to a different state for my husband to attend a two month training course. We've been living out of boxes and suitcases the past six weeks. My family has been spilt apart for summer visits with family before we make ANOTHER move to Utah in two weeks. Although I'm having tons of fun and working hard, the stress is creeping up more and more. I'm so ready to get settled in a HOUSE and have a "normal" routine. With that being said, my eating has not been the all! I've eaten out quite a bit and I've eaten dessert way more then I needed to! Like...a lot. So, remember, these results are mainly due to hard work in the gym and so-so healthy eating. Had I concentrated more on my diet (By diet, I don't mean I'm following some random diet. I just mean my basic food intake.)

Okay, so here it is!

Started at: 144 lbs    Ended at: 137 lbs   Total: 7 lbs     
**(Total loss since January 17th: 19 lbs!!!!!)

Started at: 20.9%   Ended at: 18.3%   Total body fat % loss: 2.2%

Started at: 21.9    Ended at : 20.1

Finally....drum roll, please.....PICTURES!!!!

Soooooo, that's that! Again, I am very happy with my results! I feel AMAZING! I can't thank Jamie Eason enough for her program and changing my life! This is NOT a phase...this is my new life! Ask anyone, my workouts are top priority for my day. They have to be. Thank you all for following me on here. Please know that I plan to continue blogging on my progress. I'll be repeating Phase 2 of the LiveFit Trainer until I get to Utah. Once there, I plan on starting James Wilson's program. 

Again, thanks for following and I'm sorry that I haven't been on much lately. Take care!!



  1. wow! you looked beautiful before as well but I can really see a difference! you look more toned and legs thinner! way to go! I am starting the 2nd Phase this week. I have been bad about diet too - it is nice to see that you made not so great food choices and still got great results! Way to go!

  2. Wow thats awesome! I am on day 18, just finished actually. I also am a mil wife (hooyah!) and this is what I am hoping will give my hubby a little wow when he comes back from deployment. I have 5 weeks before hes headed home so Im hitting and hard and eatting right. Thank you for your inspiration! Good luck with your continued healthy journey!

  3. Great job! I found you on the Bodybuilding Jamie Eason group, then I noticed you are an AF wife too! I am staring week two of the plan tomorrow! :)

  4. Looking really good! I am starting this program tomorrow and I'm really excited. I'm hoping to get results like yours!
